Diamond Gulch East Project
In 2012- 2013, the Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining Abandoned Mine Reclamation (AMR) program inventoried 31 hazardous mine openings in the Diamond Gulch area in Juab County.
In mid-April, reclamation of the area began to close 30 shafts and adit (mine entrance) using backfill and shaft grates. These closures prevent people from venturing inside and being exposed to the many hazards found in abandoned mines including dangerous gases and unstable structures.
“Although the Diamond Gulch East project is fairly isolated, the area is becoming more popular with outdoor recreationist,” stated Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining Project Manager Susan White. “Many of the mine workings are visible and are an obvious attraction.”
This area is known as the Tintic District, with the first mine established in the late 1860’s. Over 2.6-million ounces of gold, silver, copper, lead and bismuth were produced from the area. The district was extensively mined until 1958; however some mining still occurs depending on metal prices.