Jan Morse is the NEPA
coordinator for the Abandoned Mines Reclamation (AMR) program. She is
responsible for writing environmental assessments required before most federal
reclamation projects can begin.
Most abandoned mine reclamation work completed by the Division is funded by the
federal Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) and
subject to NEPA. NEPA assures that proper consideration is given to the
environment prior to undertaking any major federal action that significantly
affects the environment.
Jan researches information about cultural resources, sensitive and listed species, recreation, public interest and other resources found in or near the project area. When a resource needs special consideration, she enjoys the challenge of figuring out how to do it without negatively impacting that resource.
In addition to her AMR work, Jan is active in public education where she represents the Division at local events including the Safe Kids Fair, Tintic Silver Jubilee and Park City Miners Day.
“I enjoy watching people’s expressions when they realize that our modern way of life is dependent on minerals,” commented Jan. “I’m proud to be part of the Division that ensures mineral extraction in Utah is conducted in a responsible manner that protects the environment and supports our modern society.”
Jan started as a seasonal inventory crew member in 1995. After several seasons, she was hired on full time and has now been a with the Division for 17 years.
She graduated in 1994 with a Bachelor’s degree in Earth Science from the University of California Santa Cruz.